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Richest List

The 10 Richest People in South Africa



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In the diverse tapestry of South Africa’s economic landscape, a select group of individuals has risen to extraordinary wealth, becoming pivotal figures in industries ranging from mining to finance and telecommunications. Our extensive research brings you a comprehensive list of the ten wealthiest people in South Africa, offering insights into their net worth, Forbes rankings, diverse assets, and influential businesses.

Beyond their financial achievements, these billionaires have played integral roles in driving technological advancements and supporting charitable endeavors, leaving an indelible mark on both industry and society. In this blog, we embark on a journey to delve into their biographies, unravel their current net worth, and explore the businesses that have propelled them to the forefront of South Africa’s economic landscape.

The 10 Richest People in South Africa

The table below shows the list of South Africa’s wealthiest individuals as of December, 2023:

1.Johann Rupert$10.7 billion
2.Nicky Oppenheimer$8.4 billion
3.Patrice Motsepe$3.2 billion
4.Koos Bekker$2.6 billion
5.Stephen Saad$1.9 billion
6.Michiel Le Roux$1.7 billion
7.Allan WB Gray$1.5 billion
8.Christoffel Wiese$1.1 billion
9.Jannie Mouton$1.06 billion
10.Lauritz Dippenaar$700 million
Richest People in South Africa List

1) Johann Rupert ($10.7 billion)

Johann Rupert, with a net worth of $10.7 billion, ranks as the richest person in South Africa. He hails from a family with a rich history in luxury goods and business. Rupert’s journey reflects a legacy of entrepreneurship and innovation. His family’s engagement in the luxury industry, with brands like Cartier and Montblanc, influenced his own strategic approach. Rupert’s wealth is primarily derived from leading Richemont, a luxury goods group that owns several iconic brands.

Rupert’s diverse portfolio includes investments in fashion, art, and technology. Beyond traditional business, he is known for his passion for conservation and wine. Rupert’s story highlights the potential for success when combining a keen business sense with a passion for diverse interests. His impact on the luxury market and commitment to sustainability showcase the importance of adapting to modern trends and values. Rupert’s journey serves as a testament to the dynamic nature of wealth creation through family legacy.

2) Nicky Oppenheimer ($8.4 billion)

Nicky Oppenheimer, with a net worth of $8.4 billion, belongs to a family with a profound history in diamond mining. Born in 1945, Oppenheimer’s journey is deeply intertwined with the De Beers diamond empire, established by his grandfather. His family’s legacy in the diamond industry laid the foundation for Oppenheimer’s own leadership. Under his guidance, De Beers became a global force in the diamond trade, significantly contributing to his substantial wealth.

Oppenheimer’s assets extend beyond diamonds, with investments in agriculture, aviation, and conservation. His commitment to environmental sustainability and philanthropy further shapes his wealth story. Oppenheimer’s influence in both business and environmental initiatives showcases the potential for combining family heritage with a broader vision for positive impact. His story underscores the importance of responsible stewardship in industries with historical significance.

3) Patrice Motsepe ($3.2 billion)

Patrice Motsepe, with a net worth of $3.2 billion, has a background deeply rooted in business and mining. Born in 1962, Motsepe’s journey reflects a legacy of entrepreneurship. His family’s involvement in small businesses set the stage for his own impactful ventures. Motsepe’s wealth is predominantly derived from mining; he founded African Rainbow Minerals in 1997, a mining company that became a major player in the South African mining industry. Beyond mining, his investments in various sectors contribute to his diverse portfolio.

Motsepe’s commitment to philanthropy and social causes is another source of his wealth. His foundation focuses on education, health, and economic empowerment, showcasing a holistic approach to wealth that extends beyond traditional business avenues. Motsepe’s story highlights the potential for success when combining business acumen with a genuine commitment to societal impact, illustrating how family values can shape a path of both financial success and meaningful contributions.

4) Koos Bekker ($2.6 billion)

Koos Bekker, with a net worth of $2.6 billion, has a family history intertwined with media and communications. Born in 1952, Bekker’s journey reflects a legacy of innovation and forward-thinking. His family’s engagement in the media industry set the stage for his own impactful contributions. Bekker’s leadership at Naspers, a global media group, transformed the company into a major player in the digital landscape, significantly contributing to his wealth.

Bekker’s assets and wealth are largely derived from his role in steering Naspers towards strategic investments in technology and e-commerce. His vision led to early investments in companies like Tencent, a move that has yielded substantial returns. Bekker’s influence extends beyond traditional media, showcasing the potential for visionary leadership in adapting to the evolving digital era. His story underscores the importance of foresight and adaptability in the ever-changing landscape of business.

5) Stephen Saad ($1.9 billion)

Stephen Saad, with a net worth of $1.9 billion, has a family history interwoven with the pharmaceutical sector. Born in 1964, Saad’s journey reflects a legacy of healthcare entrepreneurship. His family’s background set the stage for his own venture, Aspen Pharmacare, which he co-founded in 1997. Saad’s strategic approach to pharmaceuticals has not only shaped his fortune but has also contributed significantly to the healthcare landscape in South Africa.

Saad’s wealth is deeply rooted in his pharmaceutical ventures, with Aspen Pharmacare becoming a global player in the industry. His commitment to affordable and quality healthcare has driven the company’s success. Saad also has diverse investments, including ventures in technology and finance. His story underscores the potential for impactful entrepreneurship in sectors that address critical societal needs, demonstrating that family heritage can be a catalyst for positive contributions on a broader scale.

6) Michiel Le Roux ($1.7 billion)

Michiel Le Roux, with a net worth of $1.7 billion, comes from a family history rooted in the banking sector. Born in 1949, Le Roux’s journey is intertwined with the financial fabric of South Africa. His family’s engagement in banking set the stage for his own foray into the industry. Le Roux co-founded Capitec Bank in 2001, a move that not only revolutionized banking in South Africa but also significantly contributed to his wealth.

Le Roux’s wealth is primarily derived from his stake in Capitec Bank, which has grown into one of the country’s leading financial institutions. His strategic vision and commitment to providing accessible banking services have played a pivotal role in the bank’s success. Le Roux’s philanthropic endeavors and investments in various sectors showcase a well-rounded approach to wealth accumulation, and a stepping stone to impactful contributions in the broader economic landscape.

7) Allan WB Gray ($1.5 billion)

Allan WB Gray, with a net worth of $1.5 billion, boasts a family history steeped in the intellectual pursuits of academia and finance. Born in 1938, Gray’s journey reflects a commitment to excellence and a passion for investment. His family’s legacy, coupled with his own innate curiosity, laid the foundation for a successful career in the financial world.

Gray’s wealth emanates from his founding of Allan Gray Limited, an investment management firm that has become a major player in the South African financial landscape. His acumen in the world of investment has translated into substantial success, with the firm managing assets worth billions. Gray’s impact extends beyond wealth accumulation, as he remains a respected figure in the financial sector, showcasing how personal expertise can shape a legacy of financial influence.

8) Christoffel Wiese ($1.1 billion)

With a net worth of $1.1 billion, Christoffel Wiese is a noteworthy figure in South Africa’s business landscape. His family history is marked by a commitment to commerce and trade. Born in 1941, Wiese inherited a passion for entrepreneurship from earlier generations, setting the stage for his own impactful journey. Wiese’s wealth is intricately tied to the retail sector, where he has left an indelible mark.

Wiese’s vast fortune is largely derived from his involvement with companies such as Shoprite and Pepkor. These retail giants have not only shaped consumer experiences in South Africa but have also become significant contributors to Wiese’s wealth. Beyond retail, Wiese’s diverse investments include sectors like mining and technology. His ability to navigate various industries underscores the versatility required for success in the complex world of South African business.

9) Jannie Mouton ($1.06 billion)

Jannie Mouton, boasting a net worth of $1.06 billion, has carved his place among South Africa’s wealthiest individuals. Delving into his family history reveals a narrative of resilience and determination. Born in 1946, Mouton’s journey mirrors the evolution of South Africa itself. The Mouton family’s legacy is intertwined with the nation’s shifting socio-political landscape, forming the backdrop to Jannie’s rise as a prominent figure in the business world.

Mouton’s wealth is anchored in the success of PSG Group, a financial services company he founded. PSG’s diversified interests span investments in industries such as banking, education, and agriculture. Mouton’s astute business acumen and strategic investments have propelled him into the echelons of South Africa’s financial elite, illustrating how a combination of family legacy and entrepreneurial vision can yield substantial success.

10) Lauritz Dippenaar ($700 million)

Lauritz Dippenaar, with a net worth of $700 million, has a fascinating family history rooted in South Africa. Born in 1948, Dippenaar hails from a family that has witnessed the nation’s dynamic journey through significant historical periods. His entrepreneurial spirit emerged early, leading him to co-found First National Bank in 1987, a milestone that significantly contributed to his wealth.

Dippenaar’s financial standing is fortified by his involvement in a range of companies and investments. Beyond the banking sector, he has diversified his portfolio, engaging in ventures that extend to insurance and mining. His strategic approach to business and investment has played a pivotal role in accumulating his fortune, showcasing the prowess of a seasoned entrepreneur in the South African landscape.


In conclusion, South Africa stands as a testament to the resilience and ingenuity of its wealthiest individuals who have left an indelible mark on the nation’s economic tapestry. From the pioneering efforts of Johann Rupert to the business acumen of Jannie Mouton, the top 10 richest individuals in South Africa showcase the triumphs of entrepreneurship and success across diverse sectors.

Beyond their substantial fortunes, these leaders have actively contributed to their communities and industries, embodying a spirit of innovation and philanthropy that continues to shape the nation’s growth. As influential figures, their enduring impact serves as an inspiration, propelling South Africa toward a future defined by both prosperity and positive change.


Echewendu Ebuka is a skilled and creative content writer, enriching readers with insightful and compelling content. With a flair for communication and a knack for covering diverse topics, Ebuka's writing captivates and informs audiences.

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